There is one fact of life that is undeniable: Good sleep is good for you.
At NakedLab, we believe that a good night’s sleep is crucial. Our organic bamboo bedding is the only tool you need to set yourself on the right track for a night of restful, rejuvenating sleep. Nothing is better than when a customer contacts us to tell us how much they love their NakedLab products. We asked one of our happy customers for a bit more detail about his switch to NakedLab organic bedding. Read his sleep story below:
I have recently changed from my old cotton sheets to NakedLab organic bamboo bedding, and it has changed the way I sleep completely. When you have a lot on your mind, no matter what it is, it can sometimes be hard to get to sleep, and even when you do it’s not always the most restful night. This was my feeling a couple of months ago, before I found out about organic sheets; let me take you on the journey of how I discovered (and fell in love with) bamboo bedding!
One of the main issues the world is facing is the current climate crisis. Our natural world is under threat, and we all need to work together to do what we can to save our planet. Limiting trash, cutting out single use plastics, recycling and being more responsible are a good start, but it’s not enough. As consumers, we need to work harder to make sure we are doing all we can.
Sometimes, I find it difficult to be an environmentally conscious consumer, but it’s not for lack of trying.
If I was to buy an item of clothing, I don’t know the environmental impact that item has had; if I want to buy a certain food, I don’t know how sustainable it is. It can be hard to label yourself a conscious consumer when being one can be so difficult. It is, therefore, a breath of fresh air when a company is unashamedly and proudly categorizing themselves as environmentally conscious.
This is where my good night’s sleep comes in!
A few months ago, when I was struggling to sleep, I looked into ways to fix the problem. I did some research and there were many accounts of how eco-friendly, organic bedding could make a difference.
Believe it or not, something as simple as switching my bedding made a huge, undeniable difference for me almost instantly.
I found a local company called NakedLab, who manufacture bamboo sheets and organic bedding sets that are of high quality and had many great reviews.
Now I didn’t know much about bamboo fabric; I knew most bedding was made of cotton, and I thought that was pretty much the end of it. After further research I realised that cotton sheets are, in fact, not the sustainable option I thought they were and are actually a very environmentally-damaging product. Cotton, believe it or not, is one of the worst crops for the environment! Who knew?
Anyway, back to the bamboo.
NakedLab make organic sheets and bedding sets from ethically-sourced, sustainable bamboo. The material, which is called ‘BambooSilk’, is eco-friendly and super soft. I never realised that bamboo was such a luxurious option. (I did have a little moment where I was worried I was depriving pandas of lunch by buying bamboo sheets, but it turns out the bamboo used to make fabric isn’t the bamboo panda’s eat anyway, so no guilt!).
NakedLab bedding is Oeko-tex certified (more information here) and completely hypo-allergenic, which is ideal if you have allergies, and is super kind to sensitive skin. This is partly due to the fact that it comes from natural, organic fibers, but also because it’s made using eco-friendly dyes, which use less water and far fewer chemicals and solvents which can be harmful to your skin.
You know what they say: you spend a third of your lives asleep. In my opinion, that’s quite a long time! If switching to NakedLab sheets can make that an enjoyable third, then it’s certainly something I’m ready and willing to do. While I quickly fell in love with my organic sheets, I wanted something more. And, lo and behold, NakedLab have now released a duvet to complete their organic bedding set!
The new organic bamboo duvet is everything you need in a duvet. Just like the sheets, it’s ethically sourced, Oeko-tex certified, naturally hypo-allergenic, and moisture wicking. The ‘four seasons’ duvet is also temperature regulating, keeping you warm in the winter months, and cool throughout the summer. Lightweight and comfortable, the NakedLab organic bamboo sheets really are perfectly complimented by the duvet. My sleep changed completely, and now, not matter what kind of day I’ve had, I know I have a great night’s sleep ahead of me.
If you want to elevate your sleep and experience the bliss bamboo bedding can bring, then try NakedLab; I guarantee, you won’t regret it!
Joe Partington

If you want to find out more about our organic BambooSilk bedding sets and bamboo duvet, click here.